International Journal of Modern Biochemistry
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Table of Content for Vol. 5 No. 1, 2016

Magnesium Supplementation Effect on Aluminum Induced Lipid Peroxidation in the Brain of Albino Rats
Abdulwaliyu I., Arekemase S.O., Musa M and Batari M. L
 PP. 1 - 6
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ABSTRACT: In this research work, we examined the role of magnesium supplementation on aluminum induced lipid peroxidation in the brain of albino rats using standard protocols. Findings from this study revealed significantly (P<0.05), higher content (4.70??0.13ug/g) of aluminum in the brain of the group treated with only aluminum compared to the content (0.53??0.21ug/g) observed in the group treated with high magnesium supplementation. The tissue brain protein content decreased significantly in the aluminum treated group and low magnesium supplemented group compared to the control and high magnesium supplemented group (P<0.05). The malonyldialdehyde (measure of lipid peroxidation) content (3.04??0.09nmole MDA/mg) was significantly higher in the aluminum treated group, compared to the content (0.72??0.10 and 0.82??0.40nmole MDA/mg) observed in the control and high magnesium supplemented group respectively. Conclusively, high malonyldialdehyde content in the brain of the albino rats stimulated by aluminum intoxication was significantly lowered by high magnesium supplementation.

Screening of Bioactive Compounds and Medicinal Properties of Commelina Benghalensis L.
Kaliyamoorthy Jayakumar
 PP. 7 - 15
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ABSTRACT: The present investigation deals with phytochemical screening and medicinal properties of Commelina Benghalensis L. Medicinal plants have been used as traditional treatment for numerous human diseases for thousands of years in India. Commelina Benghalensis is used in traditional medicine system to cure various diseases. It is used for the treatment of headache, constipation, leprosy, fever, snake bite, jaundice, mouth thrush, insanity, epilepsy, and psychosis, bitter, laxative, anti-infammatory, demulcent, emollient and depressant, diuretic and febrifuge, treat burns and plant juice of roots is used to treat indigestion.